tisdag 26 april 2016

Book discussion


It is time to finish the book The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, bur before we continue reading you will have a discussion about the pages we have read so far. Use the following questions and duscuss as much as possible.

Warm up

Start the book discussion by summarizing the plot together. Also talk about the setting and characters. Finish the warm up by discussing what you think about the book so far.

- Can you find any connections from the book to something you have seen, heard or watched yourself?
- Choose the character you feel closest to and tell the your group why.
- Pick the person you liked the least and describe why.
- Who do you think is the Hopeless case, Gretel or Bruno? Motivate your answer.
- What three words would you use to describe the book to someone who hasn't read it. Compare to your friends' words, same or different?
- How does this book differ from books you've read before?
- What do you think will happen next?
- How do you think the book will end?

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